Now You Can Own Planets in Galactic 123! Galactic 123 is an online space exploration game, which is enhanced by cryptocurrency and Wax NFTs. To play the game, you create an username and a password, and to use NFTs, you add your Wax wallet address in your profile. Easy as 123! You are able to own planets. Owning planets will give multiple rewards!⚫ Get daily amounts of ECX and XYTE added to your account daily on autopilot! (+500 ECX and +3 XYTE per day, per planet)⚫ Obtain a variety of NFTs every week at NeftyBlocks at no extra cost!⚫ Name your own planets, add your own text, and even mention your own website if you have one!Planet owners will also enjoy other perks, such as extra rewards if anyone mines on their planet, and the ability to upgrade defenders and buildings for better performance and looks. Atomic Hub, NeftyBlocks , and the Galactic 123 CAIT Shop markets New player? Questions? You are welcome to join our Telegram group: